Assessment report

This report shows the overall accessibility of the website or web app through a combination of automated and manual tests that cover all the WCAG 2.0 AA success criteria.


100% Passed
0% Incomplete
0% Failed

Test details

Automated checks
49 Passed
6 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed
5 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed
3 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed
3 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed
Repetitive content
3 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed
2 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed
Native widgets
5 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed
Custom widgets
6 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed
Timed events
4 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed
Errors / status
4 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed
Page navigation
3 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed
1 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed
4 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed
3 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed
4 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed
Text legibility
7 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed
Audio / video
2 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed
5 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed
Live multimedia
1 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed
3 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed
6 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed
Pointer / motion
3 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed
3 Passed, 0 Incomplete, 0 Failed

Scan details
2019-12-26 8:16 PM EST

Failed tests0 Failed

Incomplete tests0 Incomplete

Passed tests135 Passed

Automated checks49 Passed

accesskeys:0 Passed

accesskey attribute value must be unique-WCAG 2.1.10 Passed
No matching instances

area-alt:0 Passed

Active <area> elements must have alternate text-WCAG 1.1.10 Passed
No matching instances

aria-allowed-attr:14 Passed

Elements must only use allowed ARIA attributes-WCAG 4.1.1WCAG 4.1.214 Passed
No failing instances

aria-hidden-body:1 Passed

aria-hidden='true' must not be present on the document body-WCAG 4.1.21 Passed
No failing instances

aria-hidden-focus:0 Passed

ARIA hidden element must not contain focusable elements-WCAG 4.1.2WCAG 1.3.10 Passed
No matching instances

aria-input-field-name:0 Passed

ARIA input fields have an accessible name-WCAG 4.1.20 Passed
No matching instances

aria-required-attr:0 Passed

Required ARIA attributes must be provided-WCAG 4.1.1WCAG 4.1.20 Passed
No matching instances

aria-required-children:0 Passed

Certain ARIA roles must contain particular children-WCAG 1.3.10 Passed
No matching instances

aria-required-parent:0 Passed

Certain ARIA roles must be contained by particular parents-WCAG 1.3.10 Passed
No matching instances

aria-roles:0 Passed

ARIA roles used must conform to valid values-WCAG 1.3.1WCAG 4.1.1WCAG 4.1.20 Passed
No matching instances

aria-toggle-field-name:0 Passed

ARIA toggle fields have an accessible name-WCAG 4.1.20 Passed
No matching instances

aria-valid-attr-value:14 Passed

ARIA attributes must conform to valid values-WCAG 4.1.1WCAG 4.1.214 Passed
No failing instances

aria-valid-attr:14 Passed

ARIA attributes must conform to valid names-WCAG 4.1.114 Passed
No failing instances

audio-caption:0 Passed

<audio> elements must have a captions track-WCAG 1.2.10 Passed
No matching instances

autocomplete-valid:0 Passed

autocomplete attribute must be used correctly-WCAG 1.3.50 PassedNew for WCAG 2.1
No matching instances

avoid-inline-spacing:0 Passed

Inline text spacing must be adjustable with custom stylesheets-WCAG 1.4.120 PassedNew for WCAG 2.1
No matching instances

blink:0 Passed

<blink> elements are deprecated and must not be used-WCAG 2.2.20 Passed
No matching instances

button-name:0 Passed

Buttons must have discernible text-WCAG 4.1.20 Passed
No matching instances

bypass:1 Passed

Page must have means to bypass repeated blocks-WCAG 2.4.11 Passed
No failing instances

color-contrast:33 Passed

Elements must have sufficient color contrast-WCAG 1.4.333 Passed
No failing instances

definition-list:0 Passed

<dl> elements must only directly contain properly-ordered <dt> and <dd> groups, <script> or <template> elements-WCAG 1.3.10 Passed
No matching instances

dlitem:0 Passed

<dt> and <dd> elements must be contained by a <dl>-WCAG 1.3.10 Passed
No matching instances

document-title:1 Passed

Documents must have <title> element to aid in navigation-WCAG 2.4.21 Passed
No failing instances

duplicate-id-active:0 Passed

IDs of active elements must be unique-WCAG 4.1.10 Passed
No matching instances

duplicate-id-aria:3 Passed

IDs used in ARIA and labels must be unique-WCAG 4.1.13 Passed
No failing instances

duplicate-id:6 Passed

id attribute value must be unique-WCAG 4.1.16 Passed
No failing instances

frame-title:0 Passed

Frames must have title attribute-WCAG 2.4.10 Passed
No matching instances

html-has-lang:1 Passed

<html> element must have a lang attribute-WCAG 3.1.11 Passed
No failing instances

html-lang-valid:1 Passed

<html> element must have a valid value for the lang attribute-WCAG 3.1.11 Passed
No failing instances

html-xml-lang-mismatch:0 Passed

HTML elements with lang and xml:lang must have the same base language-WCAG 3.1.10 Passed
No matching instances

image-alt:13 Passed

Images must have alternate text-WCAG 1.1.113 Passed
No failing instances

input-button-name:0 Passed

Input buttons must have discernible text-WCAG 4.1.20 Passed
No matching instances

input-image-alt:0 Passed

Image buttons must have alternate text-WCAG 1.1.10 Passed
No matching instances

label:0 Passed

Form elements must have labels-WCAG 1.3.1WCAG 3.3.20 Passed
No matching instances

layout-table:0 Passed

Layout tables must not use data table elements-WCAG 1.3.10 Passed
No matching instances

link-name:17 Passed

Links must have discernible text-WCAG 2.4.4WCAG 4.1.217 Passed
No failing instances

list:2 Passed

<ul> and <ol> must only directly contain <li>, <script> or <template> elements-WCAG 1.3.12 Passed
No failing instances

listitem:9 Passed

<li> elements must be contained in a <ul> or <ol>-WCAG 1.3.19 Passed
No failing instances

marquee:0 Passed

<marquee> elements are deprecated and must not be used-WCAG 2.2.20 Passed
No matching instances

meta-refresh:0 Passed

Timed refresh must not exist-WCAG 2.2.10 Passed
No matching instances

meta-viewport:1 Passed

Zooming and scaling must not be disabled-WCAG 1.4.41 Passed
No failing instances

object-alt:0 Passed

<object> elements must have alternate text-WCAG 1.1.10 Passed
No matching instances

role-img-alt:0 Passed

[role='img'] elements have an alternative text-WCAG 1.1.10 Passed
No matching instances

server-side-image-map:0 Passed

Server-side image maps must not be used-WCAG 2.1.10 Passed
No matching instances

td-headers-attr:0 Passed

All cells in a table element that use the headers attribute must only refer to other cells of that same table-WCAG 1.3.10 Passed
No matching instances

th-has-data-cells:0 Passed

All th elements and elements with role=columnheader/rowheader must have data cells they describe-WCAG 1.3.10 Passed
No matching instances

valid-lang:0 Passed

lang attribute must have a valid value-WCAG 3.1.20 Passed
No matching instances

video-caption:0 Passed

<video> elements must have captions-WCAG 1.2.20 Passed
No matching instances

video-description:0 Passed

<video> elements must have an audio description track-WCAG 1.2.50 Passed
No matching instances

Keyboard6 Passed

Keyboard navigation:0 Passed

Users must be able to navigate to all interactive interface components using a keyboard-WCAG 2.1.10 Passed
No matching instances

No keyboard traps:0 Passed

Users must be able to navigate away from all components using a keyboard-WCAG 2.1.20 Passed
No matching instances

On focus:0 Passed

Navigating to a component must not trigger any unexpected change of context-WCAG 3.2.10 Passed
No matching instances

On input:0 Passed

Changing a component's settings must not trigger any unexpected change of context-WCAG 3.2.20 Passed
No matching instances

No keystroke timing:0 Passed

Components must not require specific timings for individual keystrokes-WCAG 2.1.10 Passed
No matching instances

Character key shortcuts:0 Passed

Users must be able to turn off or remap character key shortcuts-WCAG 2.1.40 PassedNew for WCAG 2.1
No matching instances

Focus5 Passed

Visible focus:0 Passed

Components must provide a visible indication when they have the input focus-WCAG 2.4.70 Passed
No matching instances

Revealing content:0 Passed

Activating a component that reveals hidden content must move input focus into the revealed content-WCAG 2.4.30 Passed
No matching instances

Modal dialogs:0 Passed

Users must not be able to Tab away from a modal dialog without explicitly dismissing it-WCAG 2.4.30 Passed
No matching instances

Closing content:0 Passed

Closing revealed content must return input focus to the component that revealed it-WCAG 2.4.30 Passed
No matching instances

Focus order:0 Passed

Components must receive focus in an order that preserves meaning and operability-WCAG 2.4.30 Passed
No matching instances

Landmarks3 Passed

Landmark roles:6 Passed

A landmark region must have the role that best describes its content-WCAG 1.3.16 Passed
Snippet<nav aria-label="Main Navigation"> <ul><li><a href="/portfolio/#work" aria-current="page">Work</a></li><li><a href="/portfolio/#resume" aria-current="page">Résumé</a></li><li><a href="/portfolio/#contact" aria-current="page">Contact</a></li></ul> </nav>
Rolenavigation: main navigation
Snippet<section aria-labelledby="resume">
Roleregion: résumé
Snippet<section aria-labelledby="contact">
Roleregion: contact
Snippet<footer><p class="copyright">© 5780 Oren Kravetz. All Rights Reserved.</p></footer>

Primary content:1 Passed

The main landmark must contain all of the page's primary content-WCAG 1.3.1WCAG 2.4.11 Passed

No repeating content:1 Passed

The main landmark must not contain any blocks of content that repeat across pages-WCAG 1.3.1WCAG 2.4.11 Passed

Headings3 Passed

Heading function:8 Passed

An element coded as a heading must function as a heading-WCAG 1.3.1WCAG 2.4.68 Passed
Snippet<h1>Oren Kravetz</h1>
Heading textOren Kravetz
Patha[href$="Cisco\.html"] > h3
Heading textCisco
Patha[href$="BakerHughes\.html"] > h3
Snippet<h3>Baker Hughes</h3>
Heading textBaker Hughes
Patha[href$="Flexport\.html"] > h3
Heading textFlexport
Patha[href$="USAirForce\.html"] > h3
Snippet<h3>U.S. Air Force</h3>
Heading textU.S. Air Force
Patha[href$="IntegraMed\.html"] > h3
Heading textIntegraMed
Snippet<h2 id="resume">Résumé</h2>
Heading textRésumé
Snippet<h2 id="contact">Contact</h2>
Heading textContact

No missing headings:1 Passed

Text that looks like a heading must be coded as a heading-WCAG 1.3.1WCAG 2.4.11 Passed

Heading level:8 Passed

A heading's programmatic level must match the level that's presented visually-WCAG 1.3.18 Passed
Snippet<h1>Oren Kravetz</h1>
Heading textOren Kravetz
Patha[href$="Cisco\.html"] > h3
Heading textCisco
Patha[href$="BakerHughes\.html"] > h3
Snippet<h3>Baker Hughes</h3>
Heading textBaker Hughes
Patha[href$="Flexport\.html"] > h3
Heading textFlexport
Patha[href$="USAirForce\.html"] > h3
Snippet<h3>U.S. Air Force</h3>
Heading textU.S. Air Force
Patha[href$="IntegraMed\.html"] > h3
Heading textIntegraMed
Snippet<h2 id="resume">Résumé</h2>
Heading textRésumé
Snippet<h2 id="contact">Contact</h2>
Heading textContact

Repetitive content3 Passed

Bypass blocks:0 Passed

A page must provide a keyboard-accessible method to bypass repetitive content-WCAG 2.4.10 Passed
No matching instances

Consistent navigation:0 Passed

Navigational mechanisms that appear on multiple pages must be presented in the same relative order-WCAG 3.2.30 Passed
No matching instances

Consistent identification:0 Passed

Functional components that appear on multiple pages must be identified consistently-WCAG 3.2.40 Passed
No matching instances

Links2 Passed

Link function:9 Passed

If an anchor element functions as a custom widget, it must have the appropriate ARIA widget role-WCAG 4.1.29 Passed
Snippet<a href="/portfolio/" aria-current="page"> <h1>Oren Kravetz</h1> </a>
Accessible nameOren Kravetz
Role(no value)
Tab Index(no value)
Aria attributes:
Snippet<a href="/portfolio/#work" aria-current="page">Work</a>
Accessible nameWork
Role(no value)
Tab Index(no value)
Aria attributes:
Snippet<a href="/portfolio/#resume" aria-current="page">Résumé</a>
Accessible nameRésumé
Role(no value)
Tab Index(no value)
Aria attributes:
Snippet<a href="/portfolio/#contact" aria-current="page">Contact</a>
Accessible nameContact
Role(no value)
Tab Index(no value)
Aria attributes:
Pathli:nth-child(2) > a[title="opens\ in\ a\ new\ window"][target="_blank"][rel="noopener"]
Snippet<a href="" title="opens in a new window" aria-label="Oren Kravetz's LinkedIn profile" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> <img src="" alt=""> <p>LinkedIn</p> </a>
Accessible nameOren Kravetz's LinkedIn profile
Role(no value)
Tab Index(no value)
Aria attributes:
aria-labelOren Kravetz's LinkedIn profile
Pathli:nth-child(3) > a[title="opens\ in\ a\ new\ window"][target="_blank"][rel="noopener"]
Snippet<a href="" title="opens in a new window" aria-label="Oren Kravetz's Instagram profile" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> <img src="" alt=""> <p>Instagram</p> </a>
Accessible nameOren Kravetz's Instagram profile
Role(no value)
Tab Index(no value)
Aria attributes:
aria-labelOren Kravetz's Instagram profile
Pathli:nth-child(4) > a[title="opens\ in\ a\ new\ window"][target="_blank"][rel="noopener"]
Snippet<a href="" title="opens in a new window" aria-label="Oren Kravetz's Facebook profile" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> <img src="" alt=""> <p>Facebook</p> </a>
Accessible nameOren Kravetz's Facebook profile
Role(no value)
Tab Index(no value)
Aria attributes:
aria-labelOren Kravetz's Facebook profile
Patha[aria-label="Oren\ Kravetz\'s\ GitHub\ profile"]
Snippet<a href="" title="opens in a new window" aria-label="Oren Kravetz's GitHub profile" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> <img src="" alt=""> <p>GitHub</p> </a>
Accessible nameOren Kravetz's GitHub profile
Role(no value)
Tab Index(no value)
Aria attributes:
aria-labelOren Kravetz's GitHub profile
Patha[aria-label="Oren\ Kravetz\'s\ Twitter\ profile"]
Snippet<a href="" title="opens in a new window" aria-label="Oren Kravetz's Twitter profile" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> <img src="" alt=""> <p>Twitter</p> </a>
Accessible nameOren Kravetz's Twitter profile
Role(no value)
Tab Index(no value)
Aria attributes:
aria-labelOren Kravetz's Twitter profile

Link purpose:19 Passed

The purpose of a link must be described by its link text alone, or by the link text together with preceding page context-WCAG 2.4.419 Passed
Snippet<a href="/portfolio/" aria-current="page"> <h1>Oren Kravetz</h1> </a>
Accessible nameOren Kravetz
Accessible description(no value)
Snippet<a href="/portfolio/#work" aria-current="page">Work</a>
Accessible nameWork
Accessible description(no value)
Snippet<a href="/portfolio/#resume" aria-current="page">Résumé</a>
Accessible nameRésumé
Accessible description(no value)
Snippet<a href="/portfolio/#contact" aria-current="page">Contact</a>
Accessible nameContact
Accessible description(no value)
Pathli:nth-child(2) > a[title="opens\ in\ a\ new\ window"][target="_blank"][rel="noopener"]
Snippet<a href="" title="opens in a new window" aria-label="Oren Kravetz's LinkedIn profile" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> <img src="" alt=""> <p>LinkedIn</p> </a>
Accessible nameOren Kravetz's LinkedIn profile
Accessible description(no value)
Pathli:nth-child(3) > a[title="opens\ in\ a\ new\ window"][target="_blank"][rel="noopener"]
Snippet<a href="" title="opens in a new window" aria-label="Oren Kravetz's Instagram profile" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> <img src="" alt=""> <p>Instagram</p> </a>
Accessible nameOren Kravetz's Instagram profile
Accessible description(no value)
Pathli:nth-child(4) > a[title="opens\ in\ a\ new\ window"][target="_blank"][rel="noopener"]
Snippet<a href="" title="opens in a new window" aria-label="Oren Kravetz's Facebook profile" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> <img src="" alt=""> <p>Facebook</p> </a>
Accessible nameOren Kravetz's Facebook profile
Accessible description(no value)
Patha[aria-label="Oren\ Kravetz\'s\ GitHub\ profile"]
Snippet<a href="" title="opens in a new window" aria-label="Oren Kravetz's GitHub profile" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> <img src="" alt=""> <p>GitHub</p> </a>
Accessible nameOren Kravetz's GitHub profile
Accessible description(no value)
Patha[aria-label="Oren\ Kravetz\'s\ Twitter\ profile"]
Snippet<a href="" title="opens in a new window" aria-label="Oren Kravetz's Twitter profile" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> <img src="" alt=""> <p>Twitter</p> </a>
Accessible nameOren Kravetz's Twitter profile
Accessible description(no value)
Snippet<a href="#cont" class="skip">Skip to Main Content.</a>
Accessible nameSkip to Main Content.
Accessible description(no value)
Snippet<a href="./casestudies/Cisco.html"> <div class="overlay-container"> <img src="/portfolio/assets/images/logo/cisco-logo.png" alt="" class="cs-logo"> <div class="overlay"></div> </div> <h3>Cisco</h3> </a>
Accessible nameCisco
Accessible description(no value)
Snippet<a href="./casestudies/BakerHughes.html"> <div class="overlay-container"> <img src="/portfolio/assets/images/logo/baker-hughes-logo.png" alt="" class="cs-logo"> <div class="overlay"></div> </div> <h3>Baker Hughes</h3> </a>
Accessible nameBaker Hughes
Accessible description(no value)
Snippet<a href="./casestudies/Flexport.html"> <div class="overlay-container"> <img src="/portfolio/assets/images/logo/flexport-logo.png" alt="" class="cs-logo"> <div class="overlay"></div> </div> <h3>Flexport</h3> </a>
Accessible nameFlexport
Accessible description(no value)
Snippet<a href="./casestudies/USAirForce.html"> <div class="overlay-container"> <img src="/portfolio/assets/images/logo/u-s-air-force-logo.png" alt="" class="cs-logo"> <div class="overlay"></div> </div> <h3>U.S. Air Force</h3> </a>
Accessible nameU.S. Air Force
Accessible description(no value)
Snippet<a href="./casestudies/IntegraMed.html"> <div class="overlay-container"> <img src="/portfolio/assets/images/logo/integramed-logo.png" alt="" class="cs-logo"> <div class="overlay"></div> </div> <h3>IntegraMed</h3> </a>
Accessible nameIntegraMed
Accessible description(no value)
Patha[download="Oren\ Kravetz\ Resume\.pdf"]
Snippet<a href="/portfolio/assets/files/R%C3%A9sum%C3%A9.pdf" download="Oren Kravetz Resume.pdf">
Accessible nameDownload Oren Kravetz's Résumé [PDF] Oren Kravetz's résumé Download Oren Kravetz's Résumé [PDF]
Accessible description(no value)
Snippet<a href=""> <img src="" alt=""> <p>Email</p> </a>
Accessible nameEmail
Accessible description(no value)
Snippet<a href="/portfolio/sitemap.html">Sitemap</a>
Accessible nameSitemap
Accessible description(no value)
Path.accessibility > a
Snippet<a href="/portfolio/accessibility-statement_2019-11-26.html">Accessibility&nbsp;Statement</a>
Accessible nameAccessibility Statement
Accessible description(no value)

Native widgets5 Passed

Widget function:0 Passed

If a native widget functions as a custom widget, it must have the appropriate ARIA widget role-WCAG 4.1.20 Passed
No matching instances

Instructions:0 Passed

If a native widget has a visible label or instructions, they must be programmatically related to it-WCAG 1.3.1WCAG 2.5.30 PassedNew for WCAG 2.1
No matching instances

Expected input:0 Passed

A native widget must have a label and/or instructions that identify the expected input-WCAG 3.3.20 Passed
No matching instances

Cues:0 Passed

If a native widget adopts certain interactive states, it must provide appropriate cues-WCAG 1.3.1WCAG 4.1.20 Passed
No matching instances

Autocomplete:0 Passed

Text fields that serve certain purposes must have the correct HTML5 autocomplete attribute-WCAG 1.3.50 PassedNew for WCAG 2.1
No matching instances

Custom widgets6 Passed

Design pattern:0 Passed

A custom widget must have the appropriate ARIA widget role for its design pattern-WCAG 4.1.20 Passed
No matching instances

Instructions:0 Passed

If a custom widget has visible instructions, they must be programmatically related to it-WCAG 1.3.1WCAG 2.5.30 PassedNew for WCAG 2.1
No matching instances

Expected input:0 Passed

A custom widget must have a label and/or instructions that identify the expected input-WCAG 3.3.20 Passed
No matching instances

Role, state, property:0 Passed

A custom widget must support the ARIA roles, states, and properties specified by its design pattern-WCAG 4.1.20 Passed
No matching instances

Cues:0 Passed

If a custom widget adopts certain interactive states, it must communicate those states programmatically-WCAG 1.3.1WCAG 4.1.20 Passed
No matching instances

Keyboard interaction:0 Passed

A custom widget must support the keyboard interaction specified by its design pattern-WCAG 2.1.10 Passed
No matching instances

Timed events4 Passed

Time limits:0 Passed

If a time limit is set by the content, the user must be able to turn off, adjust, or extend the time limit-WCAG 2.2.10 Passed
No matching instances

Moving content:0 Passed

If content moves, blinks, or scrolls automatically for more than five seconds, users must be able to pause, stop, or hide it-WCAG 2.2.20 Passed
No matching instances

Auto-updating content:0 Passed

If content updates automatically, users must be able to pause, stop, hide, or control frequency of the updates-WCAG 2.2.20 Passed
No matching instances

Audio control:0 Passed

If audio content plays automatically for longer than three seconds, users must be able to pause or mute it-WCAG 1.4.20 Passed
No matching instances

Errors / status4 Passed

Error identification:0 Passed

If an input error is automatically detected, the item in error must be identified, and the error described, in text-WCAG 3.3.10 Passed
No matching instances

Error suggestion:0 Passed

If an input error is automatically detected, guidance for correcting the error must be provided-WCAG 3.3.30 Passed
No matching instances

Error prevention:0 Passed

If submitting data might have serious consequences, users must be able to correct the data input before finalizing a submission-WCAG 3.3.40 Passed
No matching instances

Status messages:0 Passed

If an input error is automatically detected, the item in error must be identified, and the error described, in text-WCAG 4.1.30 PassedNew for WCAG 2.1
No matching instances

Page navigation3 Passed

Page title:1 Passed

A web page must have a title that describes its topic or purpose-WCAG 2.4.21 Passed
Snippet<html lang="en-US">
Page titleOren Kravetz's Portfolio

Frame title:0 Passed

A frame or iframe must have a title that describes its content-WCAG 4.1.20 Passed
No matching instances

Multiple ways:0 Passed

Users must have multiple ways to navigate to a page-WCAG 2.4.50 Passed
No matching instances

Parsing1 Passed

Parsing:0 Passed

Elements must have complete start and end tags, must not contain duplicate attributes, and must be nested according to their specifications-WCAG 4.1.10 Passed
No matching instances

Images4 Passed

Image function:13 Passed

Every image must be coded as either meaningful or decorative-WCAG 1.1.113 Passed
Pathimg[alt="Headshot\ of\ Oren\ Kravetz"]
Snippet<img src="/portfolio/assets/images/headshot.jpg" alt="Headshot of Oren Kravetz">
Image type<img>
Coded asMeaningful
Accessible nameHeadshot of Oren Kravetz
Patha[href$="Cisco\.html"] > .overlay-container > .cs-logo[alt=""]
Snippet<img src="/portfolio/assets/images/logo/cisco-logo.png" alt="" class="cs-logo">
Image type<img>
Coded asDecorative
Accessible name(no value)
Patha[href$="BakerHughes\.html"] > .overlay-container > .cs-logo[alt=""]
Snippet<img src="/portfolio/assets/images/logo/baker-hughes-logo.png" alt="" class="cs-logo">
Image type<img>
Coded asDecorative
Accessible name(no value)
Patha[href$="Flexport\.html"] > .overlay-container > .cs-logo[alt=""]
Snippet<img src="/portfolio/assets/images/logo/flexport-logo.png" alt="" class="cs-logo">
Image type<img>
Coded asDecorative
Accessible name(no value)
Patha[href$="USAirForce\.html"] > .overlay-container > .cs-logo[alt=""]
Snippet<img src="/portfolio/assets/images/logo/u-s-air-force-logo.png" alt="" class="cs-logo">
Image type<img>
Coded asDecorative
Accessible name(no value)
Patha[href$="IntegraMed\.html"] > .overlay-container > .cs-logo[alt=""]
Snippet<img src="/portfolio/assets/images/logo/integramed-logo.png" alt="" class="cs-logo">
Image type<img>
Coded asDecorative
Accessible name(no value)
Snippet<img src="/portfolio/assets/images/R%C3%A9sum%C3%A9.png" alt="Oren Kravetz's résumé" class="resume-image">
Image type<img>
Coded asMeaningful
Accessible nameOren Kravetz's résumé
Patha[href="mailto\:contact\@orenkravetz\.com"] > img[alt=""]
Snippet<img src="" alt="">
Image type<img>
Coded asDecorative
Accessible name(no value)
Pathli:nth-child(2) > a[title="opens\ in\ a\ new\ window"][target="_blank"][rel="noopener"] > img[alt=""]
Snippet<img src="" alt="">
Image type<img>
Coded asDecorative
Accessible name(no value)
Pathli:nth-child(3) > a[title="opens\ in\ a\ new\ window"][target="_blank"][rel="noopener"] > img[alt=""]
Snippet<img src="" alt="">
Image type<img>
Coded asDecorative
Accessible name(no value)
Pathli:nth-child(4) > a[title="opens\ in\ a\ new\ window"][target="_blank"][rel="noopener"] > img[alt=""]
Snippet<img src="" alt="">
Image type<img>
Coded asDecorative
Accessible name(no value)
Patha[aria-label="Oren\ Kravetz\'s\ GitHub\ profile"] > img[alt=""]
Snippet<img src="" alt="">
Image type<img>
Coded asDecorative
Accessible name(no value)
Patha[aria-label="Oren\ Kravetz\'s\ Twitter\ profile"] > img[alt=""]
Snippet<img src="" alt="">
Image type<img>
Coded asDecorative
Accessible name(no value)

Text alternative:2 Passed

A meaningful image must have a text alternative that serves the equivalent purpose-WCAG 1.1.12 Passed
Pathimg[alt="Headshot\ of\ Oren\ Kravetz"]
Snippet<img src="/portfolio/assets/images/headshot.jpg" alt="Headshot of Oren Kravetz">
Image type<img>
Accessible nameHeadshot of Oren Kravetz
Accessible description(no value)
Snippet<img src="/portfolio/assets/images/R%C3%A9sum%C3%A9.png" alt="Oren Kravetz's résumé" class="resume-image">
Image type<img>
Accessible nameOren Kravetz's résumé
Accessible description(no value)

Images of text:2 Passed

Images of text are allowed only where a specific appearance is required (e.g., logotypes)-WCAG 1.4.52 Passed
Pathimg[alt="Headshot\ of\ Oren\ Kravetz"]
Snippet<img src="/portfolio/assets/images/headshot.jpg" alt="Headshot of Oren Kravetz">
Image type<img>
Accessible nameHeadshot of Oren Kravetz
Snippet<img src="/portfolio/assets/images/R%C3%A9sum%C3%A9.png" alt="Oren Kravetz's résumé" class="resume-image">
Image type<img>
Accessible nameOren Kravetz's résumé

CAPTCHAs:0 Passed

If a CAPTCHA is used, alternative methods must be provided for both users without vision and users without hearing-WCAG 1.1.10 Passed
No matching instances

Language3 Passed

Language of page:0 Passed

A page must have the correct default language-WCAG 3.1.10 Passed
No matching instances

Language of parts:0 Passed

If the language of a passage differs from the default language of the page, the passage must have its own language attribute-WCAG 3.1.20 Passed
No matching instances

Text direction:0 Passed

If a page or a passage uses a script that is read right-to-left, it must have the correct text direction-WCAG 1.3.20 Passed
No matching instances

Sensory4 Passed

Color as meaning:1 Passed

Color must not be used as the only visual means for conveying meaning-WCAG 1.4.11 Passed

Instructions:0 Passed

Instructions must not rely solely on color or other sensory characteristics-WCAG 1.3.30 Passed
No matching instances

Auditory cues:0 Passed

Auditory cues must be accompanied by visual cues-WCAG 1.3.30 Passed
No matching instances

Flashing:0 Passed

Web pages must not have content that flashes more than three times per second-WCAG 2.3.10 Passed
No matching instances

Text legibility7 Passed

High contrast mode:0 Passed

Websites and web apps must honor high contrast appearance settings and functions-SECTION 508 - 502.2.20 Passed
No matching instances

Resize text:0 Passed

Users must be able to resize text, without using assistive technology, up to 200% with no loss of content or functionality-WCAG 1.4.40 Passed
No matching instances

Contrast:1 Passed

Text elements must have sufficient contrast-WCAG 1.4.31 Passed
Snippet<div class="overlay-text">Download Oren Kravetz's Résumé [PDF]</div>
Text stringDownload Oren Kravetz's Résumé [PDF]

Orientation:0 Passed

Web content must not be locked to a particular screen orientation-WCAG 1.3.40 PassedNew for WCAG 2.1
No matching instances

Reflow:0 Passed

Text content must be visible without having to scroll in two dimensions-WCAG 1.4.100 PassedNew for WCAG 2.1
No matching instances

Text spacing:0 Passed

Users must be able to adjust text spacing with no loss of content or functionality-WCAG 1.4.120 PassedNew for WCAG 2.1
No matching instances

Hover / focus content:0 Passed

Content that appears on focus or hover must be dismissible, hoverable, and persistent-WCAG 1.4.130 PassedNew for WCAG 2.1
No matching instances

Audio / video2 Passed

Audio-only equivalent:0 Passed

Pre-recorded audio-only content must be accompanied by an equivalent text alternative-WCAG 1.2.10 Passed
No matching instances

Video-only equivalent:0 Passed

Pre-recorded video-only content must be accompanied by an equivalent text or audio alternative-WCAG 1.2.10 Passed
No matching instances

Multimedia5 Passed

Captions:0 Passed

Pre-recorded multimedia content must have captions-WCAG 1.2.20 Passed
No matching instances

No obstruction:0 Passed

Captions must not obscure or obstruct relevant information in the video-WCAG 1.2.20 Passed
No matching instances

Audio description:0 Passed

Pre-recorded video with audio must have an audio description-WCAG 1.2.50 Passed
No matching instances

Synchronization:0 Passed

An audio description must be synchronized with the video content-WCAG 1.2.50 Passed
No matching instances

No conflict:0 Passed

An audio description must not conflict with audible information in the sound track-WCAG 1.2.50 Passed
No matching instances

Live multimedia1 Passed

Captions:0 Passed

Captions must be provided for live (streaming) video with audio-WCAG 1.2.40 Passed
No matching instances

Sequence3 Passed

CSS positioning:1 Passed

Meaningful content positioned on the page using CSS must retain its meaning when CSS is disabled-WCAG 1.3.21 Passed

Layout tables:0 Passed

The content in an HTML layout table must make sense when the table is linearized-WCAG 1.3.20 Passed
No matching instances

Columns:0 Passed

White space characters must not be used to create the appearance of columns-WCAG 1.3.1WCAG 1.3.20 Passed
No matching instances

Semantics6 Passed

CSS content:0 Passed

Meaningful content must not be implemented using only CSS :before or :after-WCAG 1.3.10 Passed
No matching instances

Data tables:0 Passed

Semantic elements in a data table must not be coded as decorative-WCAG 1.3.10 Passed
No matching instances

Lists:0 Passed

Lists must be contained within semantically correct containers-WCAG 1.3.10 Passed
No matching instances

Emphasis:0 Passed

Words and phrases that are visually emphasized must be contained within semantically correct containers-WCAG 1.3.10 Passed
No matching instances

Quotes:0 Passed

The <blockquote> element must not be used to style non-quote text-WCAG 1.3.10 Passed
No matching instances

Letter spacing:0 Passed

Spacing characters must not be used to increase the space between letters in a word-WCAG 1.3.10 Passed
No matching instances

Pointer / motion3 Passed

Pointer gestures:0 Passed

Functions must be operable without requiring multipoint or path-based gestures-WCAG 2.5.10 PassedNew for WCAG 2.1
No matching instances

Pointer cancellation:0 Passed

Users must be able to cancel functions that can be operated using a single pointer-WCAG 2.5.20 PassedNew for WCAG 2.1
No matching instances

Motion operation:0 Passed

If a function can be operated through motion, it must also be operable through user interface components-WCAG 2.5.40 PassedNew for WCAG 2.1
No matching instances

Contrast3 Passed

UI components:17 Passed

Visual information used to indicate states and boundaries of active interface components must have sufficient contrast-WCAG 1.4.1117 PassedNew for WCAG 2.1
Snippet<a href="#cont" class="skip">Skip to Main Content.</a>
Accessible nameSkip to Main Content.
Snippet<a href="/portfolio/" aria-current="page"> <h1>Oren Kravetz</h1> </a>
Accessible nameOren Kravetz
Snippet<a href="/portfolio/#work" aria-current="page">Work</a>
Accessible nameWork
Snippet<a href="/portfolio/#resume" aria-current="page">Résumé</a>
Accessible nameRésumé
Snippet<a href="/portfolio/#contact" aria-current="page">Contact</a>
Accessible nameContact
Snippet<a href="./casestudies/Cisco.html"> <div class="overlay-container"> <img src="/portfolio/assets/images/logo/cisco-logo.png" alt="Cisco" class="cs-logo"> <div class="overlay"></div> </div> <h3>Cisco</h3> </a>
Accessible nameCisco Cisco
Snippet<a href="./casestudies/BakerHughes.html"> <div class="overlay-container"> <img src="/portfolio/assets/images/logo/baker-hughes-logo.png" alt="Baker Hughes" class="cs-logo"> <div class="overlay"></div> </div> <h3>Baker Hughes</h3> </a>
Accessible nameBaker Hughes Baker Hughes
Snippet<a href="./casestudies/Flexport.html"> <div class="overlay-container"> <img src="/portfolio/assets/images/logo/flexport-logo.png" alt="Flexport" class="cs-logo"> <div class="overlay"></div> </div> <h3>Flexport</h3> </a>
Accessible nameFlexport Flexport
Snippet<a href="./casestudies/USAirForce.html"> <div class="overlay-container"> <img src="/portfolio/assets/images/logo/u-s-air-force-logo.png" alt="U.S. Air Force" class="cs-logo"> <div class="overlay"></div> </div> <h3>U.S. Air Force</h3> </a>
Accessible nameU.S. Air Force U.S. Air Force
Snippet<a href="./casestudies/IntegraMed.html"> <div class="overlay-container"> <img src="/portfolio/assets/images/logo/integramed-logo.png" alt="IntegraMed" class="cs-logo"> <div class="overlay"></div> </div> <h3>IntegraMed</h3> </a>
Accessible nameIntegraMed IntegraMed
Patha[download="Oren\ Kravetz\ Resume\.pdf"]
Snippet<a href="/portfolio/assets/files/R%C3%A9sum%C3%A9.pdf" download="Oren Kravetz Resume.pdf">
Accessible nameDownload Oren Kravetz's Résumé [PDF] Oren Kravetz's résumé Download Oren Kravetz's Résumé [PDF]
Snippet<a href=""> <img src="" alt="Email"> </a>
Accessible nameEmail
Snippet<a href="" title="opens in a new window" aria-label="LinkedIn" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> <img src="" alt="LinkedIn"> </a>
Accessible nameLinkedIn
Snippet<a href="" title="opens in a new window" aria-label="Instagram" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> <img src="" alt="Instagram"> </a>
Accessible nameInstagram
Snippet<a href="" title="opens in a new window" aria-label="Facebook" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> <img src="" alt="Facebook"> </a>
Accessible nameFacebook
Snippet<a href="" title="opens in a new window" aria-label="GitHub" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> <img src="" alt="GitHub"> </a>
Accessible nameGitHub
Snippet<a href="" title="opens in a new window" aria-label="Twitter" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> <img src="" alt="Twitter"> </a>
Accessible nameTwitter

State changes:17 Passed

Any visual effect that indicates a component's state must have sufficient contrast-WCAG 1.4.1117 PassedNew for WCAG 2.1
Snippet<a href="#cont" class="skip">Skip to Main Content.</a>
Accessible nameSkip to Main Content.
Snippet<a href="/portfolio/" aria-current="page"> <h1>Oren Kravetz</h1> </a>
Accessible nameOren Kravetz
Snippet<a href="/portfolio/#work" aria-current="page">Work</a>
Accessible nameWork
Snippet<a href="/portfolio/#resume" aria-current="page">Résumé</a>
Accessible nameRésumé
Snippet<a href="/portfolio/#contact" aria-current="page">Contact</a>
Accessible nameContact
Snippet<a href="./casestudies/Cisco.html"> <div class="overlay-container"> <img src="/portfolio/assets/images/logo/cisco-logo.png" alt="Cisco" class="cs-logo"> <div class="overlay"></div> </div> <h3>Cisco</h3> </a>
Accessible nameCisco Cisco
Snippet<a href="./casestudies/BakerHughes.html"> <div class="overlay-container"> <img src="/portfolio/assets/images/logo/baker-hughes-logo.png" alt="Baker Hughes" class="cs-logo"> <div class="overlay"></div> </div> <h3>Baker Hughes</h3> </a>
Accessible nameBaker Hughes Baker Hughes
Snippet<a href="./casestudies/Flexport.html"> <div class="overlay-container"> <img src="/portfolio/assets/images/logo/flexport-logo.png" alt="Flexport" class="cs-logo"> <div class="overlay"></div> </div> <h3>Flexport</h3> </a>
Accessible nameFlexport Flexport
Snippet<a href="./casestudies/USAirForce.html"> <div class="overlay-container"> <img src="/portfolio/assets/images/logo/u-s-air-force-logo.png" alt="U.S. Air Force" class="cs-logo"> <div class="overlay"></div> </div> <h3>U.S. Air Force</h3> </a>
Accessible nameU.S. Air Force U.S. Air Force
Snippet<a href="./casestudies/IntegraMed.html"> <div class="overlay-container"> <img src="/portfolio/assets/images/logo/integramed-logo.png" alt="IntegraMed" class="cs-logo"> <div class="overlay"></div> </div> <h3>IntegraMed</h3> </a>
Accessible nameIntegraMed IntegraMed
Patha[download="Oren\ Kravetz\ Resume\.pdf"]
Snippet<a href="/portfolio/assets/files/R%C3%A9sum%C3%A9.pdf" download="Oren Kravetz Resume.pdf">
Accessible nameDownload Oren Kravetz's Résumé [PDF] Oren Kravetz's résumé Download Oren Kravetz's Résumé [PDF]
Snippet<a href=""> <img src="" alt="Email"> </a>
Accessible nameEmail
Snippet<a href="" title="opens in a new window" aria-label="LinkedIn" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> <img src="" alt="LinkedIn"> </a>
Accessible nameLinkedIn
Snippet<a href="" title="opens in a new window" aria-label="Instagram" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> <img src="" alt="Instagram"> </a>
Accessible nameInstagram
Snippet<a href="" title="opens in a new window" aria-label="Facebook" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> <img src="" alt="Facebook"> </a>
Accessible nameFacebook
Snippet<a href="" title="opens in a new window" aria-label="GitHub" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> <img src="" alt="GitHub"> </a>
Accessible nameGitHub
Snippet<a href="" title="opens in a new window" aria-label="Twitter" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> <img src="" alt="Twitter"> </a>
Accessible nameTwitter

Graphics:13 Passed

Graphics must have sufficient contrast-WCAG 1.4.1113 PassedNew for WCAG 2.1
Pathimg[alt="Headshot\ of\ Oren\ Kravetz"]
Snippet<img src="/portfolio/assets/images/headshot.jpg" alt="Headshot of Oren Kravetz">
Image type<img>
Accessible nameHeadshot of Oren Kravetz
Snippet<img src="/portfolio/assets/images/logo/cisco-logo.png" alt="Cisco" class="cs-logo">
Image type<img>
Accessible nameCisco
Pathimg[alt="Baker\ Hughes"]
Snippet<img src="/portfolio/assets/images/logo/baker-hughes-logo.png" alt="Baker Hughes" class="cs-logo">
Image type<img>
Accessible nameBaker Hughes
Snippet<img src="/portfolio/assets/images/logo/flexport-logo.png" alt="Flexport" class="cs-logo">
Image type<img>
Accessible nameFlexport
Pathimg[alt="U\.S\.\ Air\ Force"]
Snippet<img src="/portfolio/assets/images/logo/u-s-air-force-logo.png" alt="U.S. Air Force" class="cs-logo">
Image type<img>
Accessible nameU.S. Air Force
Snippet<img src="/portfolio/assets/images/logo/integramed-logo.png" alt="IntegraMed" class="cs-logo">
Image type<img>
Accessible nameIntegraMed
Snippet<img src="/portfolio/assets/images/R%C3%A9sum%C3%A9.png" alt="Oren Kravetz's résumé" class="resume-image">
Image type<img>
Accessible nameOren Kravetz's résumé
Snippet<img src="" alt="Email">
Image type<img>
Accessible nameEmail
Snippet<img src="" alt="LinkedIn">
Image type<img>
Accessible nameLinkedIn
Snippet<img src="" alt="Instagram">
Image type<img>
Accessible nameInstagram
Snippet<img src="" alt="Facebook">
Image type<img>
Accessible nameFacebook
Snippet<img src="" alt="GitHub">
Image type<img>
Accessible nameGitHub
Snippet<img src="" alt="Twitter">
Image type<img>
Accessible nameTwitter